
Magda Havas  "Fear and Fabrication"
The following headline appears on a Havas web page 
Moores Cancer Centre confirms cell phone tumour link

"April 2010.  Dr. Santosh Kesari, Director of Neuro-Oncology at the Moores Cancer Center at UC San Diego, believes the latest findings that cell phones can lead to brain tumours. In this video he discusses the findings and informs the host about a clinic in San Diego that's helping to treat brain tumours."

This is a very frightening headline and has caused concern amongst our readers. This is the reason I decided to investigate. The first item of business was to Google "Moores Cancer Center and WIFI"  The only hits that were returned pointed to the Havas web site. I had expected to see references to the study undertaken by Moores. In order to qualify my findings I contacted the Moores Centre and was told :

"Moores did not and has not participated in any WIFI Cancer Study"
The next item of business was to view/listen to the video. The following is what I gleaned from the exercise

1.        Dr Keasari did not participate in any WIFI research
2.        Other than a brief mention of a study that was done in Denmark Dr Keasari did not quote or reference any scientific research. It is clear that Dr Keasari was only voicing his own opinion.
3.        The reference to brain tumors had to do with some new treatments that were being introduced by the Moores Clinic

The Danish study clearly indicates that there is NO correlation between WIFI and Cancer.

 "The study looked 425,000 people, 56,000 of them who have used a cellular phone for 10 years or more, including people who had begun using phones in 1982."
 "They found no evidence to suggest users had a higher risk of tumours in the brain, eye, salivary glands, or leukaemia."

It took me approximately 5 seconds to verify the headline and  another 5 seconds to find the Danish study. Any unbiased researcher who invested the same 10 seconds that I did , would never have published a headline such as this. Note the use of the word "CONFIRM". This implies that Moores had repeated a study and had produced similar results.  The use of the words "confirm" in the Havas context is designed to misinform and frighten readers.

This is not the first time Havas has misled the public. In a previous blog,  I  highlighted  a statement that she attributed to the World Health Organization (WHO) which was completely false.

The question arises as to why Havas feels it is necessary to fabricate headlines. The answer is obvious.  She is unable to produce  any acceptable scientific evidence to back up her claims.

Havas is using her academic past to present herself as an expert. There is no place in science for fear and fabrication. Surely Havas must have been taught this in her student years.

Harvey Kofsky Peng

Update: Since this web page was posted and Harvey Kofsky's phone call, the headline on the Havas web site has been changed to the following: "Moores Cancer Centre Doctor discusses cell phone tumour link"
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